Monday, February 04, 2008

Tiny Snowbug

In light of today's temperature high of 69° and tomorrow and Wednesday's forecasted highs to be 73°, I thought I'd share our sole encounter with snow this winter.

The tiny snowbug.

I made what I thought was going to be a little snowman, but Little Guy stuck his antennae in and there he was. Ahh, good times.

And for perspective, here he is next to the boots of a three-year-old.

I know I'm always complaining about it not being cold enough (or when it gets very cold, for not lasting longer) but I got a taste of spring today, and, folks, it was good. You know how different seasons have their signature smells? It smelled like spring today. It smelled like possibility and excitement. Really. I get that way about the smells of seasons. Thursday it's supposed to go back down into the forties which is seasonable--nice and chilly. Last year at this time it must have been in the thirties because in the picture of Little Guy in the valentines we sent out last year, he's way bundled up in his swing outside.


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