Sunday, January 06, 2008

January Clean-Out

Along with everyone else this month, we are doing our best to go through all the clutter and junk and mess in the house and clean it out. We got so much done this weekend.

1. Finally put out the garbage and recycling (we missed a pick-up and had so much waiting to go.)

2. Cleaned up the leaves in the front and side yards.

3. Solved the leak problem in my sister's boyfriend's stinky Passat that somehow we got saddled with.

4. Cleaned up and stored the rest of the Christmas stuff.

5. Stored bins of outgrown kid clothes and maternity clothes that had been sitting in our respective bedrooms.

6. All this week I have been shredding and filing bills, etc.

7. Vacuumed, mopped, etc.

Still to do:

Continue shredding/filing process

Continue cleaning out my whole room and closet

Finish uploading pictures of the kids and make a slideshow to send to my aunts and cousins that I promised in October.

Clean off the computer desk.

Organize cords and wires and USB things and such.



Blogger ItchyBits said...

What is it about the need to get organized in January? You'd think we would collapse in a jellied lump and not move for at least a month after all of the xmas hoopla.

9:44 PM  

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