Friday, June 08, 2007

Reader In Training

It turns out you no longer have to be able to write your own name to get a library card. At least that was the rule when I was little.

We went to sign up for the library's summer reading program this year and every person has to have a library card. So Little Guy signed up and now he has his very own card! Needless to say, it was a proud moment. (And then he stuck the sticker to the kitchen table.)

We didn't sign up last year because I felt he was too young, turning 2. Of course we read him books all the time, but I didn't see a need to have him be in the program. But now that he's almost a pre-schooler (turning three in August), why not? It also turns out that newborns are eligible. Is that silly? I guess if it encourages people to read to their kids, then all the better. But Baby Sister will not be joining the Summer Reading Program this year. Instead, this summer she will focus on yoga, most specifically the modified Cobra pose.


Blogger ItchyBits said...

We should all be focusing on the modified cobra pose -- although I probably wouldn't be able to get back up again....

1:33 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aw, his own library card. Now that is a milestone :)

3:14 PM  
Blogger Kimmie said...

That's so funny. I laughed out loud, sitting here by myself.

8:08 PM  
Blogger Liesl said...

Aw, I bet he's so proud to have his card :) But he needs to know that the appropriate place to stick those cool stickers is on the front of the oven so they get all warm and melty and stick there FOREVER!

Hey - maybe you could call Baby Sister "Zen Baby"??

9:02 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

BettyBetty--whatever-as much exercise as you get on your bike, yoga would be nothing for you!

Iliana--Yes, I can't believe it. Now we'll just wait and see if he'll be a bookworm like me, a person who can't stick with a book like M., or somewhere in between.

Kimmie-Oh yay! I was worried people wouldn't get it. :)

Liesl-Oh wow, stickers on the oven! He hasn't thought of that one yet! I'm liking the sound of Zen Baby--might have to go with that one.

3:31 PM  
Blogger Dewey said...

Ha ha, aw, Baby Sister is getting her yoga on!

Did/do you read to your kids as newborns? I sure did! In fact, my son was born 2 months premature, and since I was still bedbound in aother wing of the hospital(didn't even get to MEET him til he was 36 hours old) they had me read Dr Seuss books into a tape recorder. They played him my voice every moment! Isn't that cool?

Also (I know this is the world's longest comment) I once took an informal survey of all my students, asking if they could remember being read to as little kids. ALL the A and B students said yes. NONE of the D and F students said yes. The Cs were mixed.

2:51 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dewey-Yes! We read in utero a little bit and then much more after they were born. I also try to be very chatty with the baby, too. That is awesome about recording your reading for the baby so he could hear you! I love that. And super interesting about the survey of students. I know the same would have held true with my first graders when I was teaching. Although they were just learning to read, some were still being read to and some never had been read to and you could tell.

4:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

What a special milestone! Yeah, I was surprised to learn when working at the Charlotte library that you could get a LC at any age. I don't have any kids (yet!) but I plan to make reading a part of their lives from the get-go!

Zen Baby - love it.

7:59 AM  
Blogger Dewey said...

The kids I surveyed were high schoolers, and a couple said they still had read-alouds with their families, though they often did the reading. I read to my kids regularly til they were about 11, but this summer, my 16 year old asked me to read him The Little Prince! He read it for school in French and feels like he missed some important things. I was thrilled he asked.

8:21 AM  

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