Friday, March 23, 2007


That's what my mom used to call my brother when he was a baby and did that woodpecker-like movement on her shoulder. But that's what I'm calling myself today because all day I've been doing that slow falling nod and neck snap you used to see people do in warm college classrooms with a fan droning in spring during a long lecture. I used to look at my notes later and see how the words I wrote got all tiny and slanted up at a diagonal to the lines on the paper. Needless to say, Baby did not sleep last night and Little Guy was up THREE times. I think I slept a total of an hour and a half. And I had been so happy and rested the night before as she had slept 6 hours in a row and M. had done the 3 am feeding so I had slept 7 hours. (I do still feel guilty about not breastfeeding and putting in all the time and work that I did for Little Guy, but. . . all that sleep.) Well, that catch-up on rest got shot to hell anyway. So today I'm loaded up on coffee and chocolate-covered espresso beans. How unhealthy does that sound? Especially since the discharge instructions from the hospital say to avoid excessive caffeine intake. As it is, Little Guy was playing in the sandbox in the 80° sun we had here today and I couldn't stay awake. Finally I woke up enough to put a deck chair in front of him to make a sun shade.

Anyway, I'm too tired to read but I'm having book withdrawals. I sit and stare at the pictures of book stacks that book bloggers post all the time. They're so pretty. I do have two saving graces, though, Brain, Child and Wondertime. The latter isn't nearly as good as the former, but it's better than the magazines it spun off from, Parenting and Family Fun, I think. (I do like Family Fun well enough, though.) But books are out of my league right now. Totally taking a break from Annals of the Former World. I actually brought that huge thing to the hospital with me thinking I'd read it. I did read a paragraph there, now that I think of it, but it was hard to see because the nurse had turned my light off and it was too dark. Anyway, after Baby was asleep (early in the night) last night, I picked up Inkheart and The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay. I held them both for a little while. Looked at their covers. Put them in the bed with me. And went to sleep.


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